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Visual Studio中的Class Designer设计工具需要您的建议!


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Class DesignerVisual Studio里的一个工具,可以将类之间的结构关系可视化、支持开发人员对类进行视觉化的设计和重构。它充分利用开发人员所选择的语言的术语来表现类图,使Class Designer的学习成本降至最低。Class Designer首先在Visual Studio2005中被引入,支持VBC#。在Visual Studio2008中将支持C++

Class Designer的设计团队正在收集用户对此产品的反馈,您可以利用这个机会来帮助我们寻找并确认在下一版本中

您可以告诉我们您希望在未来的Class Designer中看到什么新功能,也可以告诉我们您在使用Class Designer的过程中发现了什么应该改进的地方。如果您能花费几分钟时间,完成以下的调查表,我们将万分感谢!

Class Designer在线调查表:




Class Designer团队




    ActiveX Designer ActiveX 设计器 ActiveX Document Migration Wizard ActiveX 文档移植向导 ActiveX-enabled 支持 ActiveX 的 Add key/ Multiply key/ Substract key/ Devide key 加号键/ 乘号键/ 减号键/ 除号键 ...

    Microsoft Visual Studio

    可再发行编码 - 有限使用: msjet35.dll msjint35.dll msjter35.dll msrd2x35.dll msrepl35.dll expsrv.dll vbajet32.dll msexch35.dll msexcl35.dll mspdox35.dll msltus35.dll mstext35.dll msxbse35.dll ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2013 v1 2/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2013 v1

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne 2012 V2 Studio for Silverlight(完整安装)

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. § Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2012 v3 2/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponetOne Studio for WPF 2013 v1 3/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for WPF2012 v3 1/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for WPF2012 v3 2/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for WPF2012 v3 3/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2013 v1 3/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2012 v3 1/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight 2012 v3 3/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponetOne Studio for WPF 2013 v1 1/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponetOne Studio for WPF 2013 v1 2/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne 2012 V2 Studio for Silverlight 3/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. § Stunning and ...

    ComponentOne 2012 V2 Studio for Silverlight 2/3

    By just setting a few brush properties in Visual Studio you can quickly give a unique look to any C1 control without having to work in Expression Blend or be a professional designer. § Stunning and ...


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